Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mommy's Dress Up Doll

Wow, that flash is really bright!

I am thinking about smiling...

Uhm, Mom - I'm not sure if you know this, but this hat is WAY too big!

...But, if I cooperate long enough, maybe you'll take it off!

Check out my hair sticking straight up on my head!

I sure love my bouncy seat!


  1. He is such a little man! Too cute, I could just eat him!

  2. so cute! i can't wait to see you soon!

  3. I missed a couple of posts! I enjoyed reading your thoughtful post on marriage. Since the "Jon and Kate split" I've also thought a lot about divorce and what results from it. Gabe and I talk a lot about how freeing it can be to love someone else and give of yourself to that person. So many people (some jokingly, some not) talk about/view marriage as this trap or end to freedom. We wish those people could see what we see---how freeing it is to be known inside out by someone--and LOVED. To be accepted for all of your qualities and weaknesses. To trust that there is always someone who'll back you up, pick you up when you fall, or laugh with you when things are good. It is such a tragedy when that gets lost along the way. You're so right that maintaining that freedom takes work. Happy marriages don't just happen, but neither do unhappy ones.

    And by the way, Keaton is realarealareaally cute. Love his hair!

  4. yaaaaaaaay the blanket! :) and I can't get over that awesome hair... excited to meet him!


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