Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Exploding Fish

I was complaining to my friend, Emily, (who just had a boy born 8 pounds 12 ounces- ouch) that all Keaton wants to do is eat 24/7. She said, "sounds like our little boys have the same become as fat as possible."

This made me laugh and think (morbidly) of the time when I was five or so. I came home from school to a tragedy.

My beloved goldfish, NikkiVicki (I couldn't decide what name I liked better Nikki or I just named it both: NikkiVicki), had died. Well, it had "exploded." Those were the words my brother used, anyways. Apparently I fed him too much, and it...exploded.

This brings me to a serious question:

can you feed a baby too much????

*See the goldfish on Keaton's blanket? I thought I was pretty clever!


  1. You make me laugh! Thank goodness babies don't explode...well, they may throw up but that's different then exploding! Hugs to you!

  2. Our doctor said the worst that can happen is they overflow/throw up. Of course our babe didn't even weigh three pounds at first, so fattening her up was goal one. It seems to me though, that if he's hungry you're right to feed him---even if it feels like it's all the time.

    NikkiVicki --- I love that the "Nikki" is spelled differently than the "Vicki" . This is one of the best pet names I've ever heard (and I once talked some friends into naming their cat Wanda) !


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